
Kohlandia is a small nation, comprised of two main areas: the Cappanuke Region, in where the country’s capital city can be found, and Gardinia (also known as the Gardinian joint-controlled area), which is governed in partnership with the neighbouring Empire of Jennytopia.

Cappanuke Region

The Cappanuke Region is a predominantly urban area in Kohlandia and is best known as the site of the official residence of the Kohlandian Royal Family. Its main city is Dunhallow, the Kohlandian capital.

Cappanuke and the surrounding landscape have a long and chequered history. Records going back to the 13th Century, plus Roman ruins in the nearby area, show that the region has been settled since the Bronze Age. The region is situated very close to the site where Samuel Crompton invented the Spinning Mule and began the English Industrial Revolution.

Prior to Kohlandian independence, the the Cappanuke region was part of the ancient Eccles parish; then part of the Hundred of Salford, the civil parish of Bolton le Moors, then finally part of Bolton Borough. Since Kohlandia declared independence from the United Kingdom, the area now forms the Duchy of Cappanuke; which is governed by Queen Catherine.

The capital city, Dunhallow, was founded on 30 August 2019 by Queen Catherine. This was her first act as Monarch of Kohlandia following her signing of the Declaration of Independence.


Gardinia, also known as the Gardinian Joint-Controlled Area, is a region of agricultural and urbanised land bordering both Kohlandia and Jennytopia. The area was subject to jurisdictional disputes between both countries following Jennytopia’s declaration of independence from Kohlandia on 30 August 2019. In order to avoid conflict, Kohlandia signed a Joint Governance Agreement with Jennytopia that laid out the terms of joint government of the region for the mutual benefit of both nations.

Gardinia is home to the Kohlandian Air Force, the Kohlandian Navy and most of Kohlandia’s agricultural industry. It is also home to a significant proportion of the Jennytopian rail network, which makes the area an important one for commuting.